Tuesday, March 27, 2012

iRun Fun Run--Catholic School Fundraising

My husband and I chaired our school's annual St. Patrick's Day Fun Run.  Each year, our school traditionally celebrates St. Patrick's Day by having the kid dress in head to toe green, raising pledges and running laps around our neighboring high school's track for 30 minutes. 

We had a lot of fun with the event, from the idea conception, promotion, fundraising and the event itself.  As this is viewed by other Catholic School parents and teachers, I've posted some of our materials if you are interested in samples or are idea hunting for your school.

We choose the theme "iRun" and the slogan "There's a lap for that".  We created a app-like logo using a green Japanese exit sign from the internet, and found a similar iPod font on the internet as well.

The fundraising campaign included a skit performed by the students at school, by showing how there money would help benefit their school with a funny "Lap the App" character played by a middle schooler in a homemade app sandwich board.

Here are some of the documents:

iRun Fun Run Student Fundraising Instructions

iRun Fun Run Overview

iRun Fun Run Pledge Sheet

iRun Fun Run Student Assembly Skit

iRun Fun Run Student Certificate

iRun Fun Run Free Dress Mondays Passes

iRun Fun Run Lap Sheet Header

iRun Fun Run Volunteer Sign Up Sheet

iRun Fun Run Planning Timeline

We purchased the banner from Oriental Trading, shown in the photo above.

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